076 - Legend of Legaia [Prep Kit]
[GoatedQuest 076 Prep Kit]
- Legend of Legaia -
Developed by Prokion
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Released March 16th, 1999 for the PlayStation
Released March 16th, 1999 for the PlayStation
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"The World of Legaia is shrouded in an evil mist, causing madness, rage and death to whomever it touches. But to a villager named Vahn and a mythical being named Meta, a large Genesis Tree holds the healing power to rid the area of the evil shroud. To save Legaia, Vahn and others on the same quest must bring seven Genesis Trees back to life. Together, they will fight for Legaia's survival."
- PlayStation Underground Demo Disc
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US Box Contents
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Pre-Release Coverage
- Best of Both Worlds? - IGN (September 4th, 1998)
- A fighter with an RPG element, Legend of Regaia is a bit of a departure from your usual beat-em-up. Sporting a new control system, the cross-button is used to activate four different attack or defensive maneuver commands, which you first assign to a character, programming in your personal favorites.
Official Playstation Magazine - Volume 2, Issue 4 (January 1999 - Demo Disc)
- Legend of Legaia Preview - IGN (January 7th, 1999)
- In terms of overall play-style, Legaia will be largely familiar to fans of the genre. Gameplay is divided between town, dungeon, and overworld segments and is broken up by the usual degree of random encounters. It's when actual combat comes into play that things begin to get really interesting, however. Dubbed the "Tactical Arts System," it enables players to enter their own sequence of attacks (left, right, high, low) in order to create custom "combos" of sorts. Once that's done, and the combat starts, the size of characters, special effects, and camera angles covey what looks more like a fighting game match than a traditional RPG.
Game Informer - Issue 69 (January 1999)
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Developer Interviews
Making of - Legend of Legaia [Playstation Underground Demo Disc]
- Playstation Weekly [JP] Interview translated by GameSpot
- Q: Any last words regarding the game?
SCEI: We're trying to make an adventure that makes people feel as if they're on a trip. We want them to feel as if they are really one of the characters. We also want them to feel a little sad when they have to turn off the game.
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Concept Art & Renders
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Official Advertising
Official Playstation Magazine - Demo Disc Trailer (January 1999)
JP In-Store Movie Demo
JP TV Spot
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JP Light Novel adaptation (Check Miscellaneous for translation!)
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Release Weekend [March 19 - 21, 1999]
Top Singles - Top Albums - Box Office
Legend of Legaia light novel translation (7 Parts, Uploaded by Legaia Fan)
Tyler 'Ninja' Blevins reveals his Favorite Games to Jimmy Fallon
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You're ready now, enjoy Legend of Legaia!
Please let me know in the comments if any of the links are dead, I'll try my best to update
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